Thursday, December 24, 2009
Merry Christmas
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Out of Order
Thanksgiving Festivities
Monday, November 30, 2009
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Be Whatever You Want To Be
First she said she wanted to be a mommy which almost brought tears to my eyes (of joy that is). Then she changed her mind. Oh, by the way, she has been saying she wants to be the following profession since she could talk. :)
Me: Lo, you can be anything you want to be when you grow up, astronaut, doctor, teacher, anything.
L: Hmmm I KNOW!!!!!!! I KNOW WHAT I WANT TO BE! !!
Me: What do you want to be?
L: I want to be the garbage man so that I can go to visit the dump EVERYDAY!!
Me: Well, as long as you do it for Jesus!
The kids have recently paid a visit to the dump along with daddy and papa and they LOVED it. :) As you can tell by her reaction. Most people give questioning looks when she says she'd like to be a "garbageman" but in our house, as long as you do it for the Lord, it doesn't matter the profession. Hope you're having a great day!!
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Soaking it all in
I like this song because it is true. I am trying each day to appreciate where I am at in that moment as time goes by so fast. Today Jeff was golfing all morning and I was at home-still in my pjs and crazy hair at 10 am listening to two preschoolers fight with each other while trying to calm my super fussy 3 month old and I remembered this song. One day I will miss that my kids are home, even on days when it is 10 am and I have not been able to brush my teeth. I will probably even miss those teachable moments when playing referee and I know I will miss those times when my baby just wants to be held.
I hope you like the song. My mom reminds me often, especially on the hard days "Krista, you're going to miss this". And as always. . . she is right. :)
Friday, October 9, 2009
A Night Away
But I digress. I have come to realize that date nights are SUPER important. My internal dialogue when people said this was always- Do you know how much $ that costs or we are doing fine, or better yet, we have date night every night when we watch our favorite shows together on TV. But I have also discovered that my husbands primary love language is quality time. So spending time together doing activities that we enjoy is very important to him, and I have to admit I do like it even though I get anxious about leaving the baby. Also there is something to be said about getting away from the everyday environment and going out together.
So. . I have a question for you. It was a question I had hear posed on talk radio. The 2 questions were: How long have you been married? And what was the most difficult year or years in your marriage. The host has been married for over 25 years and stated the 7th and a tad bit of the 8th were the most difficult for him. He believes that if you can make it past that point the rest is no picnic, but downhill compared to those years.
Jeff and I will celbrate our 8 year anniversary on the 20th of this month and I have to say that year 6 was a doosey. That was by far the most difficult for me. Now that we are headed into our 8th, the 7th was much more manageable even with adding another child to the mix. so. . .I pose these to questions to my readers: How long have you been married and what were your most difficult years? If you are in your hard years I pray the Lord will bless your time and that you will come out an even more amazing couple on the other side of things.
Oh and I am SOOOOO looking forward to my date with my wonderful hubby tonight! :)
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Fog Be Gone
I wish I had some sort of spray or vacuum or homemade remedy that would lift this fog from me. It is the post baby fog. I am sure there are other types of fogs that people are in, but this is mine for now. I tried for the past three months to deny it saying "no I don't have it this time" and feeling bad for other moms in their fog.
But I got it. It follows me around day and night. And I am sure completely visible to all. Others would call it flaky, forgetful, ignoring, etc. It also probably contains the smell of baby spit up or that I really need to change a nursing pad or even a diaper or two. I know. . gross.
I am not even sure how to explain the fog, but I am sure it is here to stay for a while. I might as well embrace it as it is my last one. However I do get frustrated when I feel that others have felt ignored, that I missed a special occasion, that I completely forgot to send that note, reminder, etc.
So. . to all my wonderful friends and family. I am trying to keep it together, but I am in my fog. (Of which I am trying to escape.) Please just don't take it personally. Maybe I can invent something and sell if for millions because I know I am not the only one that has been in a fog.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Identity Theft
I have come to find that my identity has been stolen! What!?!? Yes it has, but it not my identity involving my credit cards and SS number. It is who I am in Jesus. How the Lord sees me. Having decided to live a life for God there comes a wonderful identity in that. One that is guilt-free, shame-free, full of love, grace and compassion. One that is full of blessing and abundance. One in which God sees me as the greatest thing ever.
Yet so many times I have lost sight of this. So many times I let the past and other things (even great blessings) control what I think of myself and how I feel about myself. And this then comes out in my everyday living.
What a shame that we allow things to steal our identity. I have also talked with others that have described a lost self. I would say that their identities have been robbed. Oh how I am convicted that if we believe that God loves us and we have fully accepted Jesus as the only way to heaven (and frankly through this life) that God has provided us this new identity in Him, one that is awesome, but one that I have to look in the mirror and embrace everyday.
The equally wonderful part is that He longs to give those who don't know Him the same identity He created them to have. Even amidst unbelieving He believes that we are amazing. He longs to be close to us and love on us. It is like taking someone who we don't know at all, knowing their past and present is something we can't stand, and wanting to share family dinners with them every night and dying to adopt them into our family despite the areas we don't agree. Simply AMAZING!
This has just been where my heart is for days. For the small number of people who read this blog, may you be blessed and revel in your true identity.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
A 4th To Never Forget
Below are some pictures of him and the kids and our time together, but first I will give you some (not the details of course) info from our labor, as I love labor stories.
I went into labor at about 145 am on the 4th. A while after that we called our good friends Scott and Janelle and Janelle came over to be with the kids and we called the parents to come from Phoenix. We ended up at the hospital around 330-345 and walked around for a long time. Then the labor progressed fast and with the help of the most AWESOME husband and labor coach Colin was born without complication. And like I said PERFECT. It is always hard to believe that there is that much room in our hearts for that much love, but it is all there. The flood of emotions and love for this baby are as incredible as ever.
Both the kids love Colin and call him "sweetie" and like to hold his hand and kiss his head. Although they do sometimes put their hands over their ears when he cries, they really do not like to see him unhappy. And despite a few tantrums, pushing some limits and outbursts, they are adjusting well too.
I will try to keep you updated when I have a free minute. :) HA!
Saturday, June 27, 2009
How you know you are 9 Months pregnant
1. Your kids play "drive thru" and one ask the other for "chicken and fries". Nice.
2. Your 4 year old is negotiating no nap and says "but I will play quietly in the play room so you can sleep on the couch".
3. Your kids ask if daddy is doing bath time because it is too hard for you to bend over the tub anymore.
4. Your daughter asks when the baby is coming out because your belly is getting too big.
5. Your kids ask what shows or movies they get to watch today.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Monday, June 22, 2009
Good Friends, Good Times
Recently I have been having my own pity party that I don't have ONE friend like that in Tucson. I have been upset with the Lord that he has not "blessed" me like that.
But boy oh boy did Heshow me what I do have this past weekend. :) Let me share. I have a friend who organized a "pre-baby pedicure party" for me at a local nail place on Saturday. There were 4 loving, giving, amazing, friends that were able to make it and the Lord showed me how truly blessed I am in the the friend area. All of these friends have given gifts for this new baby and all came to hang out and celebrate friendship and impending birth of our son.
They didn't have to come, they could have chose to not spend the money, stay with their families, get their own things done, but they chose to come and I felt very blessed.
We all got a fabulous pedi and then headed to Starbucks for some good girl talk. :) In which I am always in desperate need. :)
When I left Starbucks, not only did I feel refreshed as a mom and wife, but as a friend. And I was so excited that instead of giving me one person that is exactly like me that I can do everything with at every moment, the Lord has blessed me with many friends coming from all different areas in life. Some are moms of older kids, younger, one child to 3 children, pregnant to not wanting to ever be pregnant again, working to stay at home, to working part time. And all different ages and stages in their lives and marriages. The Lord really showed me how important it is for me to learn from these women he has placed in my life and to feel blessed by this.
So now instead of feeling envy as a HS girl, I feel blessed that the Lord has provided me a multitude of blessings and friends. I just pray I can give them as much as they have given me.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
I went for my 36 week appointment (I KNOW. .. .I can't believe it either!), and at this appointment we discuss the birth plan that Jeff and I wrote up, how things were going, did a quick Group B strep test (which I was able to do myself, which would have NEVER happened at my OBs office), listened to the wonderful heartbeat, was measured and weighed and done until 38 and a half weeks. WHAT!?!? you may ask if you have had an OB, but the midwives feel no need to "check" your progress at 36, 37, 38 , 39, etc weeks. For those of you who do not know what "check" means. . it means check to see if you have dilated or are effaced.
Therefore, I have a love/hate relationship with this method. The midwives will not "check" until after 40 weeks. I do love this because I truly feel that in my case (maybe not for everyone) where I am in dilation and effacement have nothing to do with how soon I will deliver. Let me explain. With my first baby I was checked beginning at 36 weeks every week until 41!!!!! Each week I made significant progress and felt like I could go into labor at any day, however at 41 weeks, almost 5 cm dilated and 90% effaced the girl had to be "smoked out" with a pit IV. She was never coming out.
Now onto my second. When I began being checked with him, I was making slower progress and was only minimally dilated at 36 weeks. Each week I was a bit more, but nothing significant and really I knew better, so I was holding out for another 41 weeker and bam, he mad his arrival at 38 1/2 weeks. So. . . .checking for me does absolutely nothing!! :) It just makes me even more crazy and neurotic than I already am, if that is even possible. This is why I LOVE not being "checked". What I don't know can't make me even more intolerable to live with or anxiety ridden about "any minute now".
Onto the HATE part, to which my oldest would tell me "we don't use that word in this house". Good thing she can't read yet. I hate not being checked, because that is what I have grown accustom to in previous pregnancies and I love being able to tell friends and family when they ask that I am _ cm and _ effaced. I don't know why, as I type it, it sounds even more strange. Oh well, there is something also being said for knowing I guess.
But for now I will stick with the LOVE part as my husband I am sure is at his wits end and does not need an even crazier, neurotic wife on his hands for possibly 4 1/2 more weeks. :)
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
First, our little man handled no food and water like a champ. Especially after we got to the hospital and found out our doc had an emergency surgery that morning and all the appointments were running about an hour and a half late. Therefore he didn't actually go into surgery until 130. He was amazing, not a whine or cry about no food and water he played, loved on us and we were blessed with an amazing staff of nurses and a great doctor.
The tubes went in well and the adenoids came out. The doc said it was good we took them out as they were "ugly". I guess they were pretty big so hopefully that will bring Eustachian tube relief. :) The nurses said he was the best they had seen all day. The Lord has truly blessed us.
It is now about 845 pm. Sean is asleep and after our very long day his mommy and daddy are not far away from dreamland as well. Thank you all for your prayers and blessings on our family. God is good.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Current Events
I am now at 35 weeks, almost 36 weeks pregnant and can't believe how time has flown with this pregnancy. I am excited to meet our new little guy (whose name shall remain a surprise until he is born :) ) but also apprehensive as after having 2 newborns, I know what happens once they are out, and I have so much more control when they are inside. I know many of you laugh at this because yes, I have control issues. :)
Speaking of control, because this is my last birth, I am going to attempt to do it as natural as possible with my midwife at the hospital. I am excited and feel confident, but trying to remember to relax and release control. I have been listening to relaxing music and practicing relaxation techniques which usually involve me falling asleep, so it must be working. So pray for me. . . I will keep you updated.
The kids are doing well. Lauren is now done with preschool for this year and is getting so big. She continues to amaze me each day with what a big girl she is. She is very excited for her brother's arrival and keeps asking why God has not told us it is time for the baby to come out!
I told her we just have to have patience, which is difficult for all of us.
Sean is well, and probably not as excited about the baby, but we will see. Tomorrow he has surgery. We are putting in another set up tubes and taking out his adenoids which we are hoping will help with his ear infections. As a mother (and pregnant lady) I have cried most of the afternoon because I absolutely do not like having my child under general anesthesia even for the limited time of 30 minutes. It always scares me and have had to repeat verses about not being fearful all day. I know that the Lord has control over all of this and that His plan is always better than our own. He has led us to a new and wonderful doctor so just praying that all goes well. Also praying that we can make it from 9 am - noon without any food or liquids without a HUGE meltdown. They usually try and schedule these really early in the morning because of the no food, no fluids issue, but those appointments were booked solid with this doctor until mid July and the thought of having to do the surgery with a newborn in tow was too much for this mommy. :) So. . . He has it under control. It will be okay. ;)
Jeff is busy at work, but also very much looking forward to meeting his new little boy. Meanwhile he has scheduled golf outings and poker games as he too knows that those will not come as often with a newborn. :)
Hope you are well. Love from our family to yours. . . :)
Friday, May 8, 2009
A Lauren Funny
We recently went to Target to pick out a gift for her friend's 4th birthday. She knew exactly what she wanted to get her and because this was mommy and Lo time we took our time and looked at everything in the store she wanted to see.
This was the conversation as we walked past the Girls section, you know girls 7-14.
L: Look at that cute dress, I would like that dress.
M: It is cute, but maybe a bit too big.
L: ohhhh look at that cute shirt.
M: Yes that is very cute.
L: (Loudly) Look mom there are a bunch of boobs!! (pointing to the all the colorful training bras hanging from the racks.
M: (quietly)L, those are called bras remember?!? :)
M: Laughter aloud
L: oh
Hope this made you giggle today!
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Perfect Timing
Here is where timing comes into play. Upon picking up Lauren for preschool, she presented me with a "Happy Mothers Day" gift, which was beautiful. It was a plant with a butterfly she had created and a picture of her and I sticking out the top. . . beautiful. However, it was the small piece of paper I received from her teacher Mrs. Moten, that made all the difference.
Here is what it said. So to all the mothers, aunts, loved ones, ladies who care for other's children, this is for you as well. May it bless you as it did me.
Thank you Lord for perfect timing and gentle mercies.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
I find myself praying for those that are chronically ill and are not often well. I pray for a friend who is enduring chemo and spends every day now sick. I can't imagine everyday of my life being sick and having to take care of my house and family. Exhausting. I am also thankful that I have Jeff. I find myself praying for single moms and dads who get sick because it is just them. No one to come home and at least let you lay in bed for the rest of the night.
I am so thankful that I have wellness 99% of the time and will try not to take this gift for granted. The Lord has truly blessed our family.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
To Tube or Not to Tube
I do believe that God has everything under control, even though it is tough at times. Like days like today. I just looked up at heaven and went "seriously??"
I feel somewhat vain and selfish in writing this post. As I know many families struggle with things that are waaaayyyy beyond what we have on our plates. But I also believe that God cares about the details as well.
So, what we thought was pink eye for Sean yesterday turns out to be really congested sinuses and a double ear infection. Many of you say, bummer a double ear infection is no fun, but in Sean's case it quite frankly sucks. Sean had had about 9 ear infections in the first 14 months of life. Six of those were within about 9 months of each other. So December of 2007 we had a BMT, "tubes" put in both ears. A quick surgery, but nonetheless a surgery under general anesthesia. After this he did well for a while and then had a doozy of an ear infection in November of 2008 in which his ears bled and I will spare the rest of the details, but it was not good. He was then on about 5 antibiotics until about February of this year. Through all of this I also discovered I am not fond of the ENT office we initially chose. And now he was recommending another set of tubes and taking out adenoids, I was not so comfortable with this as the audiologist report was good. So I returned to Sean's pediatrician whom we fondly refer to as Sean's girlfriend. She did a test and looked at his ears and WOOOHOOO there was no fluid and the pressure came back great! So we then opted no tubes and was hoping our visits to the ENT were over.
But alas, today we called the new ENT to schedule an appt. I am really excited as this ENT does only pediatrics so I feel will be a better fit for Sean, but do believe we are looking at another set of tubes. Currently, the appointment to see the new doc is not until May 18th. I think we might try to work through our pediatrician and get in earlier if we can, well that is my prayer. Only because at this point I will be 33 weeks pregnant, which is still not too bad, but that might put the surgery out later. :) So who knows. Just praying the Lord gives me a level head and a clear mind, well what is left of it, and really directs our steps in this little chapter of Sean's life. Because surgery, no matter how long or short, is still super scary and NOT FUN for a mommy and a daddy.
Thanks for praying. :)
Monday, April 13, 2009
What a Vacation!
Friday, March 13, 2009
The Other Side of the Door
That being said, it is days like today I'd like to be on the other side of my garage door in the morning. I'd frankly today like to have Jeff's day. I am very blessed to stay at home. I wouldn't change it, and I know many women who would love to stay at home, but due to circumstances cannot. However, today I want to be the one to go to work.
I am sure these ideas are all fantasy and that Jeff would disagree and that any mom who works outside the home would disagree. Yet, there must be something freeing about leaving the home and not returning until evening. I will explain. . .
The past 2 days Jeff has left either with children screaming at each other, crying hysterically, in room time, or whining about what I have told them they are not able to do. For example, Sean cannot have girl scout cookies as part of breakfast. I look with a jealous eye as my husband kisses us all goodbye, screaming, tears and all and shuts the door and leaves off to work. Now I know that his job is stressful. However, he still gets to choose when he uses the bathroom & sometimes when he will eat lunch. No one is pulling at his leg if he is on the phone or talking to a colleague about their recent golf outing or what the agenda will be for that meeting. He can even sneak away for a short bit to grab a Starbucks coffee (on his work campus) if he so desires with a couple of colleagues. Today. . . I want to be on the other side of the door. I know he has meetings all day and that things are very stressful in the work place. But I also know he does have times for the occasional chat or joke or yes, STARBUCKS!!
When he leaves he doesn't have to look at pile after pile of laundry all day, he doesn't wash the floors only to have your kids spill the first thing they have all over the nice clean floors. He doesn't have to try and do his job (laundry, cleaning, vacuuming, toilets, bathroom, dishes) all while making sure his colleagues aren't jumping off furniture or putting things down the toilet. He doesn't have to worry about whether or not his employees went to the bathroom before a long meeting or whether they need help wiping their bottoms or changing their diapers. When he gets home he doesn't' have to (most of the time) worry about what is for dinner or if we have something he'd like in the fridge or if he will have clean boxers for the next day. When the door closes he doesn't have to do many sets of dishes a day while making lunch only to have it thrown on the floor by a screaming 2 year old, who then has room time because we don't throw food on the floor for the one millionth time!!
Obviously you can sense my dislike for the stay at home mommy tasks today. And my desire for just one day to be on the other side of the door. But as I write this, it occurred to me that if I was on the other side of the door, I would miss the requests to just "snuggle", which makes it all worth while. :)
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Nesting and Chocolate
I am nesting. I am currently fighting the urge to move all the furniture that needs to be moved for the baby. As I cannot lift it all on my own. But I have prepared as much as I can and will wait for Jeff to get home to move some things. Nesting is interesting. I don't remember having it this early with my other two. I am very particular about some things, but not others. For instance, I don't' really care about the laundry, but my baseboards are HORRIBLE. I desperately want to repaint every single one in my house. Alas, I am realistic and know this will not happen. I just can't swing that with 2 little ones running around that would like to "help".
AND CHOCOLATE!! So much for watching my weight with this pregnancy. That was out the window about a month ago. Forget it. . .as far as I am concerned this is the only time I can really eat the chocolate I want (balanced with veggies and fruit of course) and not have to feel really guilty about the possible weight gain and how much I will have to work out for succumbing to my temptations. I have decided I am just going to do it. If I feel like chocolate, I am going to have some.
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Wondering no longer
-Why do moms always say they are tired? Why do they want to nap on a Sunday afternoon?
-Why is it that moms say they don't get to shower everyday? Shouldn't we all shower everyday?
-Why is it that some kids can spend all day playing in their pjs, shouldn't they get dressed?
-Why is it that some kids out and about have dirt/food on their shirt?
-Why is it that kids (girls in particular) don't always have their hair nicely combed and put up in some cute pony, pig tails or braid?
_Why is it that parents yell at their kids in public? Don't they have control?
-Why is that kid running up and down the aisles at the store?
-Why do parents allow their kids to eat stuff that is not healthy?
-That kid has a runny nose, gross!!
-Why is that child throwing a tantrum in the middle of everyone?
-Why is it that the child is trying to get out of the cart/car seat/stroller why doesn't it just stay put? After all I'd like to be pushed around like that! :)
-What is up with all the whining that kids do?
-I can't believe that child just yelled "NO!!" to that parent.
-Why do some moms seem always frazzled?
-Why are some houses never picked up?
-Laundry can't be THAT bad!
Needless to say these are embarrassing because obviously they are WAAAAAYYY judgemental. However, I NO longer question any of these things. . . I have now lived them all!!! If you have any fun ones, I'd love to hear them. . . or maybe I was the only one who ever thought things like this. . . .
HA! :)
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Joy and Tears
Ever since she has realized this she has been asking, hoping, and praying to God for a girl. She has always called the baby a girl and insisted that it be a girl so they can play together.
Now, her she and her brother can play together just fine, and they actually really enjoy each other during several moments throughout the day, but she wanted a girl. She talks about her girlfriends at school and what they wear, and play, and color, and even the little arguments they get into on the playground. It is amazing that the Lord created those women relationships at such an early age. So Lauren was dying for a sister.
Having a wonderful sister of my own, I knew very well her desire. I never had brothers like she will, but I knew that there is this different bond between girls and especially sisters. So I think if I am being honest with myself, I desired the same thing for her.
Well, as you may know we had our sonogram this week. And found out what my gut had been telling me all along. We are having another BOY! :) I am so very excited and even more grateful and joyful that everything looks good with this little one we are blessed to have.
Yet, I will admit after we left the office I cried like a baby. Not because I was disappointed about having another boy, it will be fun for the boys to be close, but because I felt I was going to break my little girl's heart over this fact. That she prayed and so desperately wanted it to be a girl, & being a women, I knew what her reaction was going to be. Jeff told me not to worry she would be fine and that she would "get over it" and all would be well. I didn't tell him at the time, but I knew better!! :)
So I got in the car to pick her up from preschool and continued with my tears and my prayers that she would understand. That my spin of being the only girl and how wonderful that would be would work.
So, she got in the car and I showed her all the pictures that had been taken of our new peanut. She liked to look at them. Then I took a deep breath and told her the news along with my positive spin. She sat in her chair with a blank stare, stated that she would not play with a boy, and burst into tears. Big, huge, sobbing crocodile tears. Of course you can imagine what comes next, I burst into tears as well. She then proceeded to climb out of her car seat and onto my lap, crying, and crying as I am holding her and just simply stated "I want to go home now."
She climbed back in and we headed for home. Not really mentioning the baby anymore.
Later we spoke about how God gave us this boy and that he really knows what is best for our family. And the next day she just said, "I don't know why God wants us to have a boy baby". And all I could answer with is that I wasn't sure either.
This whole story got me thinking about how many times I ask God for things I want or even feel I need. And after praying and asking and hoping He doesn't say yes. I react a lot like Lauren did. I cry and am sometimes devastated. Yet, after a bit I might not be happy about it yet, but I learn to accept that it is from Him and it must be good. I still get teary when I think about my almost 4 year old girl's face at the announcement she would not have a sister. But then I thank God for teaching her such a wonderful lesson so early. That every good and perfect gift is from Him and he knows best, even if at the time we don't know why.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Hot Dog
Saturday, January 17, 2009
New Jobs
Yesterday we spent a great morning at the zoo, just wandering around looking at animals when she exclaims that she wants to feed the bears. I explained to her that they only eat certain food, not "people" food, and that the only people allowed and responsible for feeding the animals was the zoo keeper.
She then says to me, "After I am a garbage man, I am going to be a zoo keeper." I laughed aloud. :)
Friday, January 9, 2009
New Door
Monday, January 5, 2009
Lesson One of 2009: God's Timing is Perfect
I received a call from my mom on Thursday evening the first day of the new year and her words were "now don't freak out, but". You always know when you hear those words from anyone what follows is never good. She was in the ER with my dad who was having chest pains and all the symptoms of a heart attack. He did not even sit in the chairs they rushed him right back and started working immediately. Mom said "don't come" it will be okay, but that is hard to even hear when your head is spinning. They weren't sure what had happened, they did not declare it a heart attack and weren't even sure that was it. . they had to wait and do tests.
Later that night he was admitted into the Cardiac ICU at Phx Baptist Hospital. The next day he was on plenty of meds and his blood pressure began to drop too low so they took him off some meds. We were waiting for the big test to tell us what really happened. I drove up that afternoon to be there hopefully during the test and after. I was able to sit with my mom as the doctors explain the procedure. I am glad I was there as the surgeon first used the words "tricky" and "amazed" at the blockage. Lovely.
He began to explain that my dad had a blockage in an artery that carried 70% of our blood flow. It was blocked 90%. After several attempts at the stent they finally were able to put it in, which meant he would not have to have bypass surgery. Blessing. He did say he was so glad that he came in when he did. The surgeon was wonderful, unlike many doctors I have ever met in the hospital. Was amazing skilled but didn't act as though he knew that at all. He was humble, caring, was glad to explain, help and didn't seem to mind taking as much time as possible at 4 pm on a Friday.
My dad, mom & I then returned to the cardiac ICU where we were greeted with incredible nurses, in fact all the nurses were amazing. He then recovered and by only the miracle of the Lord he went home the next day. The surgeon had wanted to keep him until Sunday and that was the plan, but everything looked so good that we were able to take him home. Much to his delight. He is now resting comfortably at home with the care of my mom and Murphy laying by his side. He is pretty much not allowed to do anything for 2 weeks which I am sure is driving him crazy. But that is okay. . . . he needs it!
The following are just a few incidents about Gods timing. . . perfect. Even though I would NEVER want this to happened. The Lord was truly present in all of it.
1. They got to the ER right when they were supposed to. Anymore time at home and it would have been worse.
2. Although they had to wait until Friday late afternoon for the test it was better from my perspective as if his blood pressure would have dropped during the test that would have been bad.
3. God knew what doctors and nurses my dad would have at exactly what times.
4. If this would have happened a day earlier my mom might not have been there as she was in Tucson.
5. I was able to go up without kids and Jeff was able to take care of them because he was off of work.
6. My mom was off of work.
7. All the doctors and nurses kept saying over and over "thank goodness you came in when you did".
8. God allowed the healing to be quick at the hospital so dad could rest at home.
9. It happened 1/1/09. . . the Lord showed us the very first day of the new year what is REALLY important.