Thursday, March 12, 2009

Nesting and Chocolate

Okay. . so I have not blogged in forever, but right now I have quick second. Lauren is actually sleeping and I'd like to rest a bit too. We are doing an every other day nap deal. I has worked out okay this week. :)

I am nesting. I am currently fighting the urge to move all the furniture that needs to be moved for the baby. As I cannot lift it all on my own. But I have prepared as much as I can and will wait for Jeff to get home to move some things. Nesting is interesting. I don't remember having it this early with my other two. I am very particular about some things, but not others. For instance, I don't' really care about the laundry, but my baseboards are HORRIBLE. I desperately want to repaint every single one in my house. Alas, I am realistic and know this will not happen. I just can't swing that with 2 little ones running around that would like to "help".

AND CHOCOLATE!! So much for watching my weight with this pregnancy. That was out the window about a month ago. Forget it. . .as far as I am concerned this is the only time I can really eat the chocolate I want (balanced with veggies and fruit of course) and not have to feel really guilty about the possible weight gain and how much I will have to work out for succumbing to my temptations. I have decided I am just going to do it. If I feel like chocolate, I am going to have some.

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