Sunday, November 21, 2010


I knew you'd read this one by the title. And NO I am not pregnant.

Today I just started feeling a little better. As if maybe this running gig was paying off. Things maybe are firmer and getting smaller (although there is a long way to go). And then the following event occurred.

As we were sitting on the couch watching the end of a movie, Lauren puts her head gently on my stomach and says "Are you having another baby?" I tried just to laugh and not to cry and said no. She was very disappointed. Jeff tried to make me feel better to say that maybe she just wanted another family member. But good try. Hard to miss the fact she was pointing to my stomach when she asked. What I really wanted to say is that my large stomach just came from housing 3 wonderful babies who just so happened to make me crave carbs and chocolate. But she still wouldn't get it. Maybe one day she will, but let's hope by then I will have lost some of the rolly polly nature or lipo will be a lot cheaper!

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