Saturday, February 11, 2012

For the Love. . . of Reading Week

I had the opportunity to read for the Love of Reading Week last week at L's school.  Each parent who read also told the kids a bit about what they "do". 

So the on the eve of my reading date, L asks me what I am reading and that I will have to tell the kids what I "do".  I said to her, well I stay at home L, what should I say I "do".  (very long pause)  She said, "Well you could tell them you make things.  Or. . . . ummmmm....Oh I know, tell them how you do LAUNDRY!!!"  To which she starts laughing. 

So I read my book and then took questions and sure enough one sweet boy said "What do you do?"  Then L said out loud in front of her classmates "Tell them about how you do laundry, laundry and laundry!" 

Needless to say her teacher found this funny and I laughed as well.  I knew that 2 years ago when she stood on her preschool stage and told everyone "When I grow up I want to be a mommy, because I love my mommy",  would have to be a memory I clung to for moments just likes these. 

So on this Saturday if you are doing laundry, know that I am right there with you!  :)

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