Sometimes I am that mom.(oh and to meet another "that" mom, go to her web site you can see it over this way---->).
I remember a story once that a women would tell before I had kids. To make a long story short it was about her just wanting to leave, to just run far away to a place with no children. Of course as a young woman without kids I was appalled! I thought, where is CPS when you need them and I will never feel that way about my kids, how could she?!?!?!? Well what is that old saying? Oh yeah, NEVER SAY NEVER, AS NEVER IS FOREVER AND FOREVER IS A LONG TIME.
Now there are days I long to run away. To get away from the crying, the yelling, the fighting, and yes even sometimes the hanging all over me part.
When I first had a sweet daughter I didn't seem to need as much time away, but when we added to our numbers I needed more. I used to feel horribly guilty about it. Especially when we'd get a sitter. That the sitter cost too much, that after all they were my kids and I should care for them, no one can put them to bed like mommy, and the list went on and on. I don't feel like that so much anymore. In fact just a couple weeks ago I realized I was at the end of my rope. I hired a sitter and went to a 10 am movie all by myself with red vines and a diet coke. Then I went home and was a much happier and better mom. I obviously don't feel guilty any longer. I just realized that it is OK, because as a mom you know you don't even go to the bathroom by yourself. I have found when I have time by myself to just be and do what I want, I come home and feel better about kids hanging off me, doing laundry is not quite as painful, and I can hear about the tag game at school while on the toilet.
So. . my message to you!? Just do it! Don't feel guilt and definitely don't let the bag packers (Pack your bags your going on a guilt trip people) say anything to get to you. Your kids might whine, or cry, or even run screaming after you when you exit. But trust me they will not be scarred for life because mommy went to Bunco, the show is just for you. Oh and some bag packers who are also moms will tell you they NEVER go out and that they love spending time with their kids, and they can never leave them, and their spouse would be upset, and you just get to have fun, yada, yada, yada. My kind words about those moms; smile, nod head yes, and ignore them. :) Go out, relax, have a nice time and be the better mommy.
PS I do get to get away this weekend sans kids and am thrilled. And they probably want to get rid of me too based upon our week. :)
I will never be part of the camp that says I never want to be away from my kids. It is HEALTHY for you and for them...have fun! :) Yay for mental health trips!!
I love getting away...I admit it freely.
I have always needed time away and used to wonder what was wrong with me! Being a stay at home mom is the hardest job in the world...because there is no time off! Have a great time recharging this weekend!
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