So I am sure you have heard of a mid-life crisis. I am older than I was, but not what I would consider to be mid life, yet I have been having a crisis.
Thanks to a wonderful friend and neighbor I think I have figured out the problem and better yet, feel that what I am thinking is totally typical.
I have said this before and I will say it again, being a stay at home mom is wonderful and very hard (not to take away from a working outside the home mom, because I actually think that might be harder). I pretty much talk to kids all day or yell at them or teach or discipline them. If I do get to talk to an adult it is to make a doctor appointment, schedule a play date, or something else kid related. I have given up calling other friends who stay at home because let's face it, picking up the phone is an immediate whining, fighting, mom-I-need food and a drink right this minute magnet. And no one on the other line likes to hear that. The upside. I check a lot of email. Email and texting is nice, no one can hear my kids or myself yelling. :) I have been told I text too often, to that my reply is my kids yell and wine a lot, get over it.
We have decided we are 3 and out for babies in this family. Three has been wonderful, and we are done. This body of mine is done being pregnant and now when I see babies I no longer have the "oh how cute, I want another" feeling. I actually have the "oh how cute, I am glad they are not coming home with me" feeling.
There is something that happens when a mom decides to shut down the baby factory. This I am calling the post baby crisis. During the years that I was having kids, I let things go, weight stayed on (lets face it I was just going to gain a ton more with the next baby), shopping for nice clothes took a back seat as I knew that once I was pregnant again let's forget it, I would never wear it. And lingerie, don't even get me started, why buy new things when soon enough it will just be the 24/7 nursing bras. However, when you are done with babies, you realize all the things you thought before are not the same. The post baby weight feels bad, the hair really needs some work and a more frequent mani and pedi is probably very necessary. I have moved from feeling like the sloppy mom, to wanting some youth back. I have tended to feel more selfish. As you might know from this blog I have been obsessed about my 1/2 marathon in May. I have actually been shopping with a good friend since running and things fit better. I want to feel a bit younger, I don't want to wear just sweats anymore, I would like to actually do my hair in the morning, I would like to have people say "oh she is attractive". I like to stay out a bit later knowing that I won't be up every two hours in the middle of the night. I even think about going back to work with "real" adults when Colin starts school.. I know, totally selfish. Yet, after talking to my friend I felt normal, typical, as if there was nothing wrong with wanting a little "pre-kid" me back.
Thus, I had to blog about it. I had to put it out there as I don't think I am the only one who has ever gone through this "post baby crisis". Don't get me wrong, I am thoroughly crazy. But today I just feel a little better about it.
I love how you put what we all feel and think into words!
I want to second everything you said!!!! I feel 100% the same way :)
I hear you...but I am still totally in the baby mode. Not wearing sweats...cannot imagine that one.
You're just like everyone else. My youngest started kindergarten this year and life has changed. Don't worry about wanting the old you back. We can be stylish and by stay at home mom's as well. Have fun with the 1/2 marathon.
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