Wednesday, July 16, 2008


So, we talk about poop a lot in this family. I know for many of you this is gross, but for those of you with kids, you might understand.
Lauren is potty trained. . well almost. She has been going to the bathroom for over a year now, but for some reason refuses to poop on the potty. She always comes to us once a day asking for a diaper. Many of you might think that the solution is a simple one, just don't give her a diaper. Been there, done that, and have a conversation from the doctor to remember it by. If I don't give her one she becomes extremely constipated and then this leads to even bigger problems and more fear about poop. (I will spare you the details.)
So, what have we done you ask? Basically if the girl goes poop on the potty I have promised her a trampoline. I know such a wonderful mother bribing her daughter, but this has not even worked yet.
Today we talked about poop on the way home from the splash park. As I once again was trying to convince her that everyone learns to poop on the potty. I mentioned the policeman in the car next to us poops on the potty and after the teenage girl int eh drive thru took my card to swipe it, I mentioned to Lauren that I bet even she goes poop on the potty. And without missing a beat, my daughter says "Mommy, I think you should ask her!" I proceed to giggle and explain why we can't ask people's toileting habits as it is not polite. Later in our conversation, I tell her that she can ask her Nana as I am sure she poops on the potty and Lauren replies "Mommy it is not polite to ask people if they poop on the potty."
Well there you have it. Lessons from Lauren. But I have not lost hope. We continue to pray nightly that God would help her to poop on the potty. I am just praying He helps before she goes to college! :)

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