Thursday, July 10, 2008

Monsoon Season is here!!

Monsoon season is here and I love it! Monsoon season was the thing I missed the most about living in a desert climate during the time I lived in Michigan.
Monsoon rain is not like any other rain in the country. Granted it can cause horrible flash flooding and forest fires, but it is amazing. The lightning on the horizon with the dark clouds is picture perfect. In a matter of minutes it can be a huge wind/rain/lightening/thunder storm and then it can move out as fast as it came to be. The thing I truly like best about rain in the desert is the smell. There is a certain smell that is accompanied by desert rain, and for those of you who don't live here, you must come smell it as it is like no other. I just can't describe it.
It rained late last night/early morning and it was wonderful to wake up hearing the rain.
Anyway. . I am so glad to have monsoon season!

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