Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Current Events

Well, I thought I would update people on what is going on with us as I have not posted in a while, but things have been hectic.

I am now at 35 weeks, almost 36 weeks pregnant and can't believe how time has flown with this pregnancy. I am excited to meet our new little guy (whose name shall remain a surprise until he is born :) ) but also apprehensive as after having 2 newborns, I know what happens once they are out, and I have so much more control when they are inside. I know many of you laugh at this because yes, I have control issues. :)
Speaking of control, because this is my last birth, I am going to attempt to do it as natural as possible with my midwife at the hospital. I am excited and feel confident, but trying to remember to relax and release control. I have been listening to relaxing music and practicing relaxation techniques which usually involve me falling asleep, so it must be working. So pray for me. . . I will keep you updated.

The kids are doing well. Lauren is now done with preschool for this year and is getting so big. She continues to amaze me each day with what a big girl she is. She is very excited for her brother's arrival and keeps asking why God has not told us it is time for the baby to come out!
I told her we just have to have patience, which is difficult for all of us.

Sean is well, and probably not as excited about the baby, but we will see. Tomorrow he has surgery. We are putting in another set up tubes and taking out his adenoids which we are hoping will help with his ear infections. As a mother (and pregnant lady) I have cried most of the afternoon because I absolutely do not like having my child under general anesthesia even for the limited time of 30 minutes. It always scares me and have had to repeat verses about not being fearful all day. I know that the Lord has control over all of this and that His plan is always better than our own. He has led us to a new and wonderful doctor so just praying that all goes well. Also praying that we can make it from 9 am - noon without any food or liquids without a HUGE meltdown. They usually try and schedule these really early in the morning because of the no food, no fluids issue, but those appointments were booked solid with this doctor until mid July and the thought of having to do the surgery with a newborn in tow was too much for this mommy. :) So. . . He has it under control. It will be okay. ;)

Jeff is busy at work, but also very much looking forward to meeting his new little boy. Meanwhile he has scheduled golf outings and poker games as he too knows that those will not come as often with a newborn. :)

Hope you are well. Love from our family to yours. . . :)


Anonymous said...

Definitely busy. I'll be praying for your natural childbirth and relaxing during the process. I read from a good book, Birth from Within, when I had Hugh...it is a little wierd, but gives a couple good ideas. I only read from one chapter. We'll be praying for Sean as well.

Unknown said...

How funny that you wrote - I was JUST typing an email to you to ask how things were going. My goodness - I sure do understand your anxiety. 9-12 with no food/drink is tough for a little guy! I bet you are the queen of distraction though and will handle it all wonderfully. We are all thinking of you - truly.